1098-T Form Notice

Incorrect 2023 1098-T forms have been mailed to students by Maximus, the third-party vendor that handles this process on our behalf. Only students who have paid at least part of their tuition for credit classes out-of-pocket are eligible for a 1098-T form. Students who had a third party, such as high schools or their employer, pay all tuition during the year may receive a form in error. SVCC is aware and actively working to correct this error. If you did not make any out-of-pocket payments during the 2023 calendar year, please disregard the form if you receive one. Any students who receive a 1098-T form in error or who receive an incorrect 1098-T form can expect to receive a corrected 1098-T form in the coming weeks. You may also contact the Cashier Office for verification of forms: 434-736-2018 Keysville, 434-949-1009 Alberta.

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