Brainfuse Online Tutoring
BRAINFUSE is our online tutoring service, that provides students at a distance with tutoring in math, science, social sciences, humanities, computer science, business, english and more. The online tutors are FREE for students to use, so you are encouraged to engage with them any time you are having trouble or need additional assistance at times your instructor is not available. To connect to the online tutors, click on "Brainfuse Tutoring" in any Canvas course shell or on the MySVCC portal, then select "Live Help," and then your subject, on the menu that appears. If you have a writing assignment you want to have reviewed by a writing expert, choose "Writing Lab" on the main Brainfuse menu screen. Note that essays are returned from the Brainfuse tutors within 12-24 hours, but you should also plan time before the due date to make revisions suggested by the tutor.
All Brainfuse sessions are recorded and stored in your account, so you can review help you received previously at any time.
Additional free resources are available in Brainfuse on the main menu screen, including Skill Surfer lessons on many subjects, Flashbulb flash card creator, LEAP Learning Platform to help you with study plans based on your skill level, and eParachute for help investigating college majors and careers that match your skills and interests. There is also the MEET platform where you and your friends can log in to do a distance study group, or where you can meet with your instructor to use the Brainfuse whiteboard and tools for a help session.