General Information
Southside Virginia Community College (SVCC) makes its facilities available for use by groups and organizations on a first-come, first-served basis. College facilities are available for use by community organizations for functions consistent with the college’s mission. Facilities may be used by non-profit community organizations, governmental agencies, and business/industry partners at a minimal set-up and custodial fee.
Individuals may request the use of campus facilities if consistent with the usage policies set forth in these guidelines. Business and Industry partners may use SVCC facilities for in-service training and related functions. However, the college does not normally allow usage of its facilities for profit-making events by outside groups. SVCC reserves the right to deny the use of its facilities and resources for reasons deemed sufficient by the College.
Types of Facilities and Resources Available
Whenever possible and practical, the following facilities and resources are available for use:
- College grounds
- Outdoor athletic fields
- Parking lots
- Workforce Development Centers
- Auditorium/Stage
- Conference rooms
- Lecture, Computer and Electronic Classrooms
- Tables and Chairs (with building use)
- Audiovisual equipment (with building use)
The educational and co-curricular activities at Southside Virginia Community College take precedence in the assignment of all space in buildings and on the grounds of the campus.
Facilities Use Fees
Please contact the college personnel listed under scheduling procedures for current fees.
All users will be charged a setup/cleanup fee of $300.
Facility users who have outstanding debts to the College may not use College facilities until payment for those debts has been received.
Scheduling Procedure
Official facilities reservations are made through the contact persons listed below for Christanna and John H. Daniel campuses.
A representative of the requester is required to submit a completed Facilities Reservation Form to the person below for the associated campus.
● Christanna Campus in Alberta - angela.wright@southside.edu
● John H. Daniel Campus in Keysville - cindy.mason@southside.edu
Arrangements for any room set-up, audio-visual equipment, etc. must be indicated at the time the room reservation is made and/or at least ten (10) working days prior to the event. The college may not be able to honor late requests.
In unusual circumstances, cancellation of a scheduled event may be necessary to accommodate a late-scheduled college activity. The canceled event may be rescheduled as facility availability allows. If other adequate facilities are available on campus, the group may be moved in order to avoid canceling the event.
Facilities Reservation Form
Campus facilities may be reserved using the college’s Facilities Reservation Form. This form must be completed and signed by a representative of the user group. Information pertaining to set-up requirements and audiovisual needs should be noted in detail on the Facilities Reservation Form. In the event that audiovisual or other equipment is not available, the user group will be expected to provide its own audiovisual or public address equipment. The completed Facilities Reservation Form must be returned to the college at least ten (10) working days prior to the event.
Events Types and Limitations
SVCC’s facilities are available for a variety of events, including receptions, reunions, meetings, workshops and seminars. Classrooms may be used only during times when classes are not scheduled. Athletic fields may be used upon approval (Reservation Request Form with liability must be signed by user and VP approval granted.) except during those times when otherwise scheduled by SVCC. The softball field, baseball field, tennis courts, etc. may not be used for tournaments when an entrance fee is charged, unless the event is sponsored by a recognized charitable organization and all revenue in excess of expenses is donated to that organization. Entrance fees may be charged by the college and approved organizations. Overnight camping is not allowed on the college grounds, except for college-approved events. College facilities may be used by local businesses and industries for in-service training and related programs.
Requestors need to be aware that use of our facilities may be affected by the staffing levels and available staff at the College to manage the setup and clean up of an event.
Activities shall not be discriminatory or abusive of others by reasons of age, sex, religious beliefs, national origin or handicap.
The College is required to maintain a non-partisan status in political campaigns; therefore, all political parties shall be given equal opportunity to sponsor on-campus rallies so long as all College requirements are met.
Users are required to conform to the Code of Virginia with respect to all event activities.
Fees Which May Be Charged By User Groups
Admission may be charged for events sponsored by non-profit users when all proceeds will be used to benefit the sponsoring organization. Freewill collections may be taken if all donations will be used solely for the benefit of the non-profit organization.
Program Identification
Sponsoring individuals or organizations using SVCC facilities may not use the Southside Virginia Community College name or logo in association with the external program to state or imply SVCC sponsorship, cooperative programming, or endorsement.
Southside Virginia Community College’s name or logo may not be used in advertising or marketing programs, except as approved by the college or as needed to indicate event locations.
Library Use
Area citizens are encouraged to use the SVCC library, as are registered students.
Sponsoring individuals and organizations are responsible for the conduct of guests while in SVCC managed facilities. Users must agree to assume full responsibility for liability, injury or damage to persons or property. A statement of insurance covering use of the facility may be required prior to use. SVCC accepts no liability for loss or damage of users’ personal property.
Refreshments and Services
Food and refreshments may be served in approved areas only. College personnel will not assume responsibility for any aspect of food and refreshment service.
The user group is responsible for providing refreshments and items such as tablecloths, water pitchers, eating and cooking utensils, glasses, paper products, etc.
Additionally, the user group is responsible for cleanup, placement of trash in containers, and for repair of any damaged or soiled furniture, floors or walls. The user group is responsible for the cleanup of any outdoor areas which are utilized.
User group must adhere to the following:
- Use of colored drinks (red, green, blue, etc.) are prohibited due to spills that result in staining the floor.
- Use of glitter, open flames, and sparklers are prohibited.
- Decorations cannot be secured to the walls and doors in any of our facilities that will allow permanent damage.
- Decorations, posters, paper, signs or equipment cannot cover electrical panels or outlets.
- Doorways, emergency exits and hallways cannot be blocked with decorations, tables, chairs, etc. and must remain passable at all times.
Ample parking is available around the SVCC campus. Handicap spaces are clearly marked and should be utilized only by vehicles bearing official handicapped driver designation.
The facility user is responsible for security needs of events and must provide College-approved security if the group wishes to use the facility. The College accepts no liability for loss of damage to such items at any time. The facility user shall provide College-approved police service for crowd control if the College anticipates the need for such control. The cost of such protections is in addition to any space utilization fees.
Distribution of Information on Campus
The Vice President for Academic & Workforce Services is responsible for reviewing each request for posting of information by groups external to the college and determining the manner, time, and place for the distribution so as to avoid interference with the educational mission of the college.
Buildings & Grounds
Christanna Campus Call
Daniel Campus Call