Forms & Hiring Tools

SVCC Recruitment Request 

If you are requesting that a recruitment be done for a position, please submit an online request by using the Google Request Form: 

SVCC New Hire Request Forms and Hiring Guides

STEP 1: Hiring Departments: Please review the Supervisor Hiring Guide and complete the applicable hire request form below to initiate onboarding for your new hire.

The request forms below include New Hires, Returning, Rehires, Additional job, and Transfers.

STEP 2: If the requested hire was not part of a recruitment, please send the files listed below to your requested hire. Have the new hire complete these forms and submit them to HR prior to the start date. 

STEP 3: Provide the appropriate Hiring Guide to your potential employee: 


Offboarding Employees

STEP 1: Supervisors: Please submit your request by using the Google Doc link below to start the process of exiting your employee :


STEP 2: Once added to Avature, you will receive email notifications for tasks that need to be completed.

Other Human Resources Forms

Tax Forms

For SupervisorsForms for Employee Accidents or Injuries

Forms for Classified Staff Performance Management:

Professional Development Requests

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