Worker's Compensation
Worker's Compensation is an important benefit that provides medical coverage and compensation to employees, should employees become injured during the performance of their job duties. Full and part-time classified employees in either probationary or non-probationary status have benefits as guaranteed under both the Worker's Compensation Act and the Rules for the Administration of the Personnel Act. Wage employees have benefits under the Worker's Compensation Act.
Required Forms:
Other Related Documents:
The Commonwealth of Virginia's Worker's compensation claims are administered by the Department of Human Resource Management, Division of Risk Management. The Division of Risk Management "pays" a Third Party Administrator to manage our Worker's Compensation claims.
Until deemed compensatory by the Worker's Compensation Third Party Administrator (WC TPA), sick, compensatory or annual leave must be used by employees to cover absences. Leave (with or without pay) may only be converted to Worker's Compensation Leave (WT) after the agency is advised that the claim is approved. If the claim is approved, the employee may receive full pay for the first 92 calendar days missed and no personal leave is charged against him.
Employees who become injured on the job are responsible for reporting the injury to their immediate supervisor as soon as possible (at least before leaving the workplace the day of the injury).
The employee will complete an Incident Report and provide information relative to the incident which caused the injury. The supervisor will notify the Vice President of Finance of the accident immediately and complete the Employer's First Report of Accident and forward to the Human Resources office.
The employee will be given a copy of the Approved Panel of Physician List and will complete the Selection of Panel Physician form. If an employee seeks treatment from a physician who is not on the approved list, the employee will be responsible for all expenses incurred. The employee is responsible for following all physician's orders. The employee is responsible for securing a clear, specific account of work restrictions, if any, the approved physician places on him/her upon his/her return to work. If the employee fails to follow all physician's orders, compensation may be denied.
Medically approved (as determined by WC TPA) time away from work may be charged to Worker's Compensation (WT) leave. The employee will notify his/her supervisor and the Human Resources Department immediately of lost time from work and will bring in a doctor's excuse for any such lost time on the day he/she reports back to work. The employee's Sick Leave (SP) and/or STD if a VSDP participant will be used to cover absences until the Worker's Compensation claim is approved or in cases where Worker's Compensation is determined to be non-compensable.
Supervisors will refer employees to an approved physician or local emergency care facility (whichever is appropriate) immediately upon learning of an injury. The supervisor will immediately begin investigating the cause of the incident and gather witness statements. The supervisor will report findings to the Vice President of Finance. The supervisor and the Human Resources Department will review all physician notes and restrictions so that an appropriate work assignment may be chosen.
Contact Human Resources
(434) 949-1048 or (434) 949-1091