Early Academic Alerts & Progress Surveys
An Overview
The Advising Build Team and the Student Services Team created a plan to address alerts for those students who experience academic and personal difficulty. We intend to construct individual action plans that bolster students’ ability to finish courses successfully and ultimately, to remain in college until degree completion. To that end, below is information that we believe honors our early alert work and our students’ ability to enroll at SVCC.
Early Alerts can be submitted Anytime
Please keep in mind that early alerts can be submitted outside of the Progress Survey Cycle at any time. Please keep them coming!
The Process
Southside Virginia Community College students, at times, struggle to be academically successful. They may frequently be absent, miss assignments, or perform poorly on assignments. Also, they may not know where to go for assistance. The Early Alert system provides faculty members with a simple way to identify the students who may need assistance, and it generates an email to the students to let them know what resources are available to help them be successful. The primary mission for the Progress Survey Model is to use intrusive interventions to connect students to additional supportive services that lead to an increase in our student’s retention and persistence.
Once the alert has been issued, a Student Services team member reaches out to students to help them. The Student Services team member and the instructor seek to:
- recognize academic challenges,
- pinpoint strategies to address those challenges,
- take advantage of campus resources, and
- celebrate academic victories.
Progress Surveys
Progress Surveys are a part of this new Early Alert System. Progress Surveys have proven success to boost the retention of students. SVCC had favorable success data from our former usage of the Progress Survey model. A separate email will be sent when the progress surveys are available for use.
Types of Alerts
Faculty issue alerts regarding:
- Assignment concerns for students who receive low scores on assignments.
- Attendance concerns when students miss a class or are late throughout a term.
- General concerns for students who have extenuating circumstances such as homelessness, counseling needs, mental health issue, in need of food, etc.
- In danger of failing when students are in danger of failing and require immediate intervention.
- Low class participation for students with low participation/engagement in class.
- Low quiz/test scores when students receive low scores on quizzes or tests.
Student Services Alert Responders
The Student Services team members are responsible for responding to the following Alerts:
- Assignment Concerns - The Learning Commons Team
- Attendance Concerns - Dr. John Hicks & Matt Dunn
- General Concerns - Robin Daniel
- In Danger of Failing - The Learning Commons Team
- Low Participation - The Learning Commons Team
- Low Quiz/Test Score - The Learning Commons Team
Faculty Feedback
A bonus feature in the Navigate system is that the faculty member can see the progress of the early alert case they raised in Navigate using the history tab on the students' information screen.
Early Alert Access
Early Alert can be accessed by signing in to MySVCC.
Faculty Alert Instruction Sheet
Early Alert & Progress Survey Training Needs
For Navigate Early Alert & Progress Survey Training Opportunities, please contact, LeAnn Ferguson, leann.ferguson@southside.edu, or Misty Smiley, misty.smiley@southside.edu at 434.736.2059
Early Alert Process/Work Flow
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas, regarding the Early Alert process, please contact robin.daniel@southside.edu or at 434.949.1063.
Student Services Help
Call Us:
(434) 736-2022
Email Us:
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM