Southside Virginia Community College's Workforce Development Services (WDS) aligns education and economic development to extend workforce development courses, training, and programs into the community. WDS prepares the emerging workforce by providing students with greater access to career options; serves employers through flexible and customized training; and, offers portable skills and credentials to the incumbent and displaced workforce. Workforce Development works closely with business and industry in the Southside Virginia rural area to ensure that their training needs are met and that available workers have the skills they need for entry-level positions. Courses may be offered as credit or non-credit.
WDS also promotes Virginia's Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) which is an assessment-based credential that gives employers and career seekers a uniform measure of key workplace skills. This is a highly recognized workforce credential that recipients can add on their resume and job applications.
For more information about the SVCC Workforce Development Services, Dennis Smith, Director of Workforce Development at 434-736-2008 or
The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC), is a portable credential designed to provide evidence that an individual is ready for work with respect to fundamental standards of workforce literacy. This credential is built upon the ACT WorkKeys skill areas.

Individuals can earn three levels of Career Readiness Certificates:

Bronze level signifies that a recipient possesses skills for approximately 30% of the jobs profiled by WorkKeys in these three specific skill areas.

Silver signifies that a recipient possesses skills for approximately 65% of jobs profiled by WorkKeys in these areas.

Gold signifies that a recipient possesses skills for 85% of jobs profiled by WorkKeys in the three areas.