Campus Safety & Security
From President Quentin R. Johnson
Dear Members of the Campus Community,
We work every day at Southside Virginia Community College to provide high quality academic and workforce services in a safe and secure environment. Please review all of the very important safety and security information contained on this website and in our Annual Security Report. It represents our commitment to your safety, wellbeing, and success. SVCC’s security, buildings and grounds, and student support staff along with many others work to maintain a safe and secure campus learning environment. Please review and familiarize yourself with the resources available to inform and assist you.
Our goal is to create and maintain the safest, most secure learning community possible. It takes all of us working collaboratively to achieve this goal. With this in mind, I ask you to take a proactive approach toward your safety and the safety of others. You can assist simply by reporting unusual or suspicious activities or behaviors, and we will make every effort to protect your confidentiality. As an active member of our community, we solicit your assistance and suggestions in responding to crime and safety issues on campus. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding campus safety and security or this report, please contact us at 434-949-1000 or continue to review our website.
Any witness to an accident should assist by contacting security or the college receptionist at 434-949-1000 and should return to the area when safe to provide information.
Thanks for your help and remember... When in Doubt, Report!
Safety Officer: Shannon Vassar Feinman 434-949-1005, email
Campus Safety & Security
Christanna Campus Call
B&G Office at 434-949-1040
Daniel Campus Call
B&G Office at 434-736-2325