SEC Donates to Support SVCC's Career Coach Program

SVCC recently received a donation from Southside Electric Cooperative (SEC) to support career coaches, allowing us to maintain our presence in the high school to serve as an additional resource and support to high school students.

Career coaches are a network of community college employees who are based in high schools across Southside Virginia. They help high school students define their career aspirations and to recognize community college and other postsecondary programs, including apprenticeships and workforce training that can help students achieve their educational and financial goals. In this program there is a career coach in every high school throughout SVCC's ten county service area.

SVCC is very thankful for partners like SEC and others as the Career Coach Program that helps so many young people find their career path would not exist without private donations and funding from the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE).  

Through the VFCCE Rural Virginia Horseshoe Initiative every donation is matched, so SEC's donation was doubled! If you would like to support this program, please reach out to Jamie Jones, (434) 917-1604 or .

Jamie Jones accepting donation from Joy Stump
Pictured: Jamie Jones, Executive Director of the SVCC Foundation receives a donation from Joy Stump, Community Relations Coordinator at Southside Electric Cooperative to support SVCC's Career Coach Program.
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