Faculty & Staff

Dennis Smith
Dennis Smith
Director for Workforce Development & Continuing Education
Workforce Development
Phone: (434) 736-2008
Vondrenna Smithers
Vondrenna Smithers
Student Experience Coordinator
Student Experience
Phone: (434) 949-1028
Lisa Southall
Lisa Southall
Finan Svcs Spec I
Business Office
Phone: 434-736-2018
Kathy Stegall
Kathy Stegall
Hsekeep &/or Apparel Worker I
Buildings & Grounds
Phone: (434) 736-2052
Thomas Stegall
Thomas Stegall
Hsekeep &/or Apparel Worker I
Buildings & Grounds
Jamie Stock
Jamie Stock
Associate Degree Nursing
Nursing, Allied Health, and Natural Sciences
Phone: (434) 736-1072
Demi  Stroble
Demi Stroble
Assistant Coordinator for DE
Dual Enrollment
Phone: (434) 949-1077
Asia Tanner
Asia Tanner
Success Coach
Title III/Connect4Success
Phone: 434-949-1049
Anthony Taylor
Anthony Taylor
Network Server Technician
Network Services
Phone: (434) 949-6618
Sally Tharrington
Sally Tharrington
Director of Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs & Records
Financial Aid
Phone: (434) 949-1061
Sheryl Thomason
Sheryl Thomason
Payroll/Business Office Tech.
Business Office
Phone: 434-949-1016