Faculty & Staff

Christopher Hayes
Christopher Hayes
Computer Operations Techn I
Information Technology
Laura Henderson
Laura Henderson
Biological Sciences
Nursing, Allied Health, and Natural Sciences
Theresa Henderson
Theresa Henderson
Director of HR
Human Resources
Phone: (434) 949-1089
John Hicks
John Hicks
Student Success
Phone: (434) 949-1070
Lois Hicks
Lois Hicks
Middle College Support
Adult Ed. & Grants
Phone: 434-736-2048
Russell Hicks
Russell Hicks
Diesel Technology
Workforce Development
Phone: 434-292-1608
Stacy Hines-Bentley
Stacy Hines-Bentley
Practical Nursing
Nursing, Allied Health, and Natural Sciences
Karen Hopkins
Karen Hopkins
Associate Degree Nursing
Nursing, Allied Health, and Natural Sciences
Phone: 434-736-2096
Sarah Horne
Sarah Horne
Humanities, Social Sciences and Business
Phone: 434-736-2087
Leslie Jackson
Leslie Jackson
Associate Degree Nursing
Nursing, Allied Health, and Natural Sciences
Phone: 434-736-2076
Pamela  Jackson
Pamela Jackson
Network Engineer
Network Services
Phone: (434) 949-6616