Dual Enrollment Testing

Dual Enrollment Critical Testing Information

Many changes have occurred in the Dual Enrollment department, and with it the biggest change was made to the way Dual Enrollment handles the placement tests for Dual Enrollment students. Remember that all student desiring to be tested must first have an SVCC application on file. 


Keep in mind that the testing policy through the Virginia Community College System outlined in our policy manual is as follows:

  • Students enrolling in a dual enrollment course must meet all course pre-requisites.
  • Readiness for college must be demonstrated through test scores on the Virginia Placement Test (VPT) or a comparable source (see below).
  • Students may only be eligible to take the VPT twice in a two year time period with approximately a year wait time in between testing sessions. Ex. A student tests March 15, 2024, and retests in March 2025.



  • Admissions Criteria for Transfer Courses

    Admissions Criteria Testing Alternatives: (See VCCS Policy Manual Section 6.6.3)



  • Admissions Criteria for CTE Courses



  • Placement Testing Tips & Links

    Studying increases your chances of success! 


    VPT English Testing

    VPT Mathematics Testing

    General Recommendations

    • Study
    • Relax! This test is not designed to penalize, but to properly place you in courses where you can experience success.
    • Get plenty of rest the night before and eat before you come to school on the day of testing.
    • Arrive on time and be prepared for testing.
    • Review the directions carefully and ask questions if something is not clear.
    • Read each question carefully to ensure you understand the question. Some items require several steps, so be sure to consider all the information.
    • Take time to check your answers on each test before moving on to the next segment.
    • Take your time