Fall 2024 Class Schedule


NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I
NSG 210: Focuses on care of clients across the lifespan in multiple settings including concepts related to physiological health alterations and reproduction. Emphasizes the nursing process in the development of clinical judgment for clients with multiple needs. Provides supervised learning experiences in college nursing laboratories, clinical/community settings, and/or simulated environments. Part I of II.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
64676 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L01A) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:30 AM -7:00 PM ~TW~F~~ ALBERTA QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L01A In-Person Whitten-Amadon, Christina
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01A. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64680 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section D01K) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 10:00 AM -1:00 PM M~~~~~~ KEYSVILLE QB01 0052 D01K In-Person Hopkins, Karen
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01K, L12K, or L23K you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01K. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64681 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L01K) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:30 AM -7:00 PM ~TW~F~~ KEYSVILLE QZ04 QDAN-HOSP L01K In-Person Chappell, Shonea~Hopkins, Karen
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01K. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64682 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L12K) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:30 AM -7:00 PM ~TW~F~~ KEYSVILLE QZ04 QDAN-HOSP L12K In-Person Hopkins, Karen
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01K. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64684 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section D01S) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 10:00 AM -1:00 PM M~~~~~~ SVHEC QZ01 0001-TBA D01S In-Person Anderson, Elizabeth
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01S, L12S, or L23S you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01S. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64685 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L01S) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 7:00 AM -7:30 PM ~TW~F~~ SVHEC QZ04 QDAN-HOSP L01S In-Person Anderson, Elizabeth
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01S. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64734 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section W01E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 9:00 AM -1:00 PM ~~~~~S~ ESTES CTR QZ05 0005-ESTES W01E In-Person Muhammad, Aisha
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01E, L12E, or L23E you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64738 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L01E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:45 AM -7:00 PM ~~~~~~U ESTES CTR QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L01E In-Person Muhammad, Aisha
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section W01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64738 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L01E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:45 AM -7:00 PM ~~~~F~~ ESTES CTR QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L01E In-Person Muhammad, Aisha
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section W01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64739 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L12E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:45 AM -7:00 PM ~~~~F~~ ESTES CTR QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L12E In-Person Newcomb, Emily~Muhammad, Aisha
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section W01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64739 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 210: Health Care Concepts I (Section L12E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:45 AM -7:00 PM ~~~~~~U ESTES CTR QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L12E In-Person Newcomb, Emily~Muhammad, Aisha
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $1,118.66 for the cost of these resources. Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section W01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II
NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
64706 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section D01A) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 10:00 AM -1:00 PM ~~~R~~~ ALBERTA QA01 0B45 D01A In-Person Whitten-Amadon, Christina
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01A, L12A, or L23A you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01A. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64708 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section L01A) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:30 AM -7:00 PM ~TW~F~~ ALBERTA QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L01A In-Person Whitten-Amadon, Christina
Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01A. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64716 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section D01K) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 10:00 AM -1:00 PM ~~~R~~~ KEYSVILLE QB01 0052 D01K In-Person Hopkins, Karen
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01K, L12K, or L23K you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01K. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64718 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section L01K) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:30 AM -7:00 PM ~TW~F~~ KEYSVILLE QZ04 QDAN-HOSP L01K In-Person Chappell, Shonea~Hopkins, Karen
Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01K. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64721 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section L12K) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:30 AM -7:00 PM ~TW~F~~ KEYSVILLE QZ04 QDAN-HOSP L12K In-Person Hopkins, Karen
Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01K. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64724 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section D01S) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 10:00 AM -1:00 PM ~~~R~~~ SVHEC QZ01 0001-TBA D01S In-Person Anderson, Elizabeth
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01S, L12S, or L23S you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01S. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64726 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section L01S) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 7:00 AM -7:30 PM ~TW~F~~ SVHEC QZ01 0001-TBA L01S In-Person Anderson, Elizabeth
Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section D01S. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64742 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section W01E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 2:00 PM -6:00 PM ~~~~~S~ ESTES CTR QZ05 0005-ESTES W01E In-Person Muhammad, Aisha
To enroll in this class, you must enroll in the lab section of your choice. Once you enroll in lab section L01E, L12E, or L23E you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section W01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.
64743 Visit the bookstore for class materials for NSG 211: Health Care Concepts II (Section L01E) 5.00 08/19/2024 - 12/13/2024 6:45 AM -7:00 PM ~~~~F~~ ESTES CTR QZ09 QCHR-HOSP L01E In-Person Muhammad, Aisha
Upon enrollment into this lab section, you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section W01E. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 5 credit hours.