Summer 2024 Class Schedule


CHM 112: Coll Chem II
CHM 112: Explores the fundamental laws, theories, and mathematical concepts of chemistry. Designed primarily for science and engineering majors. Requires a strong background in mathematics. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 6 hours per week. Algebra I and college reading competence required.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38539 Visit the bookstore for class materials for CHM 112: Coll Chem II (Section OA2A) 4.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 2:20 AM -2:21 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA2A Online Smetana, Kristine
Online Class. You will automatically be enrolled in this lab section OA2A upon enrolling in lecture section OA1A. Your schedule printout should include a lecture and a lab section totaling 4 credit hours.

Communication Studies and Theatre

CST 110: Introduction to Communication
CST 110: Examines the elements affecting speech communication at the individual, small group, and public communication levels with emphasis on practice of communication at each level. Lecture 2-3 hours per week. 2-3 credits
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38626 Visit the bookstore for class materials for CST 110: Introduction to Communication (Section OZ1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:34 AM -1:35 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OZ1K Online Horne, Sarah
Online Class. Open Ed Resources - Zero cost for materials.
CST 151: Film Appreciation I
CST 151: Provides students with a critical understanding of film through the discussion and viewing of motion pictures with emphasis upon the study of film history and the forms and functions of film. Students will develop skills to analyze the shared social, cultural and historical influences of films and their contexts. Part I of II. Lecture 3 hours per week. 3 credits
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38627 Visit the bookstore for class materials for CST 151: Film Appreciation I (Section OZ1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:35 AM -1:36 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OZ1K Online Horne, Sarah
Online Class. Open Ed Resources - Zero cost for materials.


COS 295: Topics In
COS 295: COS 295
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38604 Visit the bookstore for class materials for COS 295: Topics In (Section HA1E) 4.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 8:30 AM -11:30 AM ~T~~~~~ ESTES CTR QZ05 0005-ESTES HA1E Hybrid Cliborne, Nicole
39575 Visit the bookstore for class materials for COS 295: Topics In (Section HA2E) 4.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 8:30 AM -11:30 AM ~~W~~~~ ESTES CTR QZ05 0005-ESTES HA2E Hybrid Cliborne, Nicole
COS 299: Supervised Study
COS 299: Assigns problems for independent study incorporating previous instruction and supervised by the instructor.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38606 Visit the bookstore for class materials for COS 299: Supervised Study (Section DA3E) 4.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 11:30 AM -5:30 PM ~T~~~~~ ESTES CTR QZ05 0005-ESTES DA3E In-Person Cliborne, Nicole~Reese, Chanel~Luck-Hall, Gloria
38608 Visit the bookstore for class materials for COS 299: Supervised Study (Section DA2E) 4.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 11:30 AM -5:30 PM ~~W~~~~ ESTES CTR QZ05 0005-ESTES DA2E In-Person Cliborne, Nicole~Reese, Chanel~Luck-Hall, Gloria


ECO 201: Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 201: Introduces macroeconomics including the study of Keynesian, classical, monetarist principles and theories, the study of national economic growth, inflation, recession, unemployment, financial markets, money and banking, the role of government spending and taxation, along with international trade and investments. Lecture 3 hours per week. College reading and writing competence and basic math required.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38628 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ECO 201: Principles of Macroeconomics (Section OZ1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 5:01 AM -5:02 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OZ1A Online Scales, Thomas
Online Class. Open Ed Resources - Zero cost for materials.
ECO 202: Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 202: Introduces the basic concepts of microeconomics. Explores the free market concepts with coverage of economic models and graphs, scarcity and choices, supply and demand, elasticities, marginal benefits and costs, profits, and production and distribution. Lecture 3 hours per week. College reading and writing competence and basic math required.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38638 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ECO 202: Principles of Microeconomics (Section OZ1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:37 AM -1:38 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OZ1A Online Scales, Thomas
Online Class. Open Ed Resources - Zero cost for materials.


EDU 206: Classroom and Behavioral Manag
EDU 206: Provides an overview of developing a positive and inclusive learning environment. Emphasizes methods for managing the diverse needs of students in order to promote a positive learning environment. Addresses how to establish and communicate expectations for effective instruction.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38321 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EDU 206: Classroom and Behavioral Manag (Section SL1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 08/12/2024 6:02 AM -6:03 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL SL1A Online Marlow, Tiffany
EDU 207: Human Growth and Development
EDU 207: Provides an overview of the physical, intellectual, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development of human beings from birth to adolescence.? Emphasizes how hereditary and environmental influences impact the development of the whole child.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38322 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EDU 207: Human Growth and Development (Section SL1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 08/12/2024 6:03 AM -6:04 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL SL1K Online Wilkins, Ashley
EDU 235: Hlt Safe Nutr
EDU 235: Focuses on the physical needs of children and explores strategies to meet these needs. Emphasizes positive health routines, hygiene, nutrition, feeding and clothing habits, childhood diseases, and safety. Places emphasis on the development of food habits and concerns in food and nutrition. Describes symptoms and reporting procedures for child abuse. Variable lecture/laboratory hours per week. College reading competence required.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38323 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EDU 235: Hlt Safe Nutr (Section SL1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/01/2024 6:04 AM -6:05 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL SL1A Online Ludlow, Kathleen


ELE 127: Resid Wrg Meth
ELE 127: Studies wiring methods and standards used for residential dwellings. Provides practical experience in design, layout, construction, and testing of residential wiring systems by use of scaled mock-ups. Lecture 1 hour. Laboratory 3 hours. Total 4 hours per week.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38618 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ELE 127: Resid Wrg Meth (Section HA1L) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 5:30 PM -8:20 PM ~T~~~~~ LCAKC QZ05 0005-LCAKC HA1L Hybrid Clary, Charles
ELE 159: Electrical Motors
ELE 159: Electrical Motors ( 3 CR) Teaches practical applications and fundamentals of A.C. and D.C. machines. Includes the conccepts of magnetism and generators used in electrical motor applications. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38619 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ELE 159: Electrical Motors (Section OA1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:22 AM -3:23 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1A Online Edmonds, Thomas
ELE 226: Electrical Power and Control S
ELE 226: Studies the theory, analysis and operation of rotating machines, transformers, AC power distribution and control systems used in industrial applications.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38620 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ELE 226: Electrical Power and Control S (Section OA1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:24 AM -3:25 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1A Online Brown, Vincent
40014 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ELE 226: Electrical Power and Control S (Section HA1S) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 11:00 AM -1:55 PM ~T~~~~~ SVHEC QZ01 0001-TBA HA1S Hybrid Foster, Christopher
Hybrid-Presto specific class. Not open to general enrollment

Emergency Medical Services

EMS 139: Special Populations
EMS 139: Focuses on the pre-hospital assessment and management of patients in a specific population including pediatrics, geriatrics, obstetrics/gynecology (OB/GYN), bariatric, abuse, sexual assault and special needs.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38562 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EMS 139: Special Populations (Section DA1L) 1.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:00 PM -2:00 PM ~T~R~~~ LCAKC QZ05 0005-LCAKC DA1L In-Person Lester, Bobby~Lyles, Arthur
EMS 140: Special Populations Lab
EMS 140: Develops skills related to the assessment and management of patients in a specific population including pediatrics, geriatrics, obstetrics/gynecology (OB/GYN), bariatric, abuse, sexual assault and special needs.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38564 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EMS 140: Special Populations Lab (Section LA1L) 1.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 2:00 PM -3:00 PM ~T~R~~~ LCAKC QZ05 0005-LCAKC LA1L In-Person Lester, Bobby~Lyles, Arthur
EMS 141: Cardiovascular Care
EMS 141: Focuses on assessment and management of cardiac-related emergencies. Covers basic dysrhythmia recognition and relates it to overall cardiac patient care.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38565 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EMS 141: Cardiovascular Care (Section DA1L) 2.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:00 PM -4:00 PM ~T~R~~~ LCAKC QZ05 0005-LCAKC DA1L In-Person Lester, Bobby~Lyles, Arthur
EMS 142: Cardiovascular Care Lab
EMS 142: Focuses on skills involved in the assessment and management of cardiac-relatedemergencies. Develops competency in basic dysrhythmia recognition and overall cardiac patient care.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38566 Visit the bookstore for class materials for EMS 142: Cardiovascular Care Lab (Section LA1L) 1.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 4:00 PM -5:00 PM ~T~R~~~ LCAKC QZ05 0005-LCAKC LA1L In-Person Lester, Bobby~Lyles, Arthur