Summer 2024 Class Schedule


HIS 101: Hist West Civ
HIS 101: Examines the development of western civilization from ancient times to the present. The first semester ends with the seventeenth century; the second semester continues through modern times. Lecture 3 hours per week. College reading and writing competence required.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38761 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HIS 101: Hist West Civ (Section OZ1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:46 AM -1:47 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OZ1K Online Milroy, Teresa
Online Class. Open Ed Resources - Zero cost for materials.
HIS 122: Us Hist II
HIS 122: Surveys United States history from its beginning to the present. Lecture 3 hours per week.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38768 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HIS 122: Us Hist II (Section OA1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:47 AM -1:48 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1K Online Maloney, Caitlin
Online Class.

Human Services

HMS 100: Intr Humn Serv
HMS 100: Introduces human service agencies, roles and careers. Presents an historical perspective of the field as it relates to human services today. Additional topics include values clarification and needs of target populations. Lecture 3 hours per week.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
41279 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HMS 100: Intr Humn Serv (Section SL1K) 3.00 05/28/2024 - 08/08/2024 6:22 AM -6:23 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL SL1K Online Cook, Dionne
HMS 141: Grp Dynamic I
HMS 141: Examines the stages of group development, group dynamics, the role of the leader in a group, and recognition of the various types of group processes. Discusses models of group dynamics that occur as a result of group membership dynamics. Lecture 3 hours per week.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38776 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HMS 141: Grp Dynamic I (Section OA1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:48 AM -1:49 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1K Online Griffin, Tiffany
Online Class.
HMS 226: Help Across C
HMS 226: Provides a historical overview of selected cultural and racial groups. Promotes understanding of group differences and the impact on counseling services. Lecture 3 hours per week. College reading and writing competence required.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38782 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HMS 226: Help Across C (Section OA1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:49 AM -1:50 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1K Online Noblin, Emily
Online Class. Cengage Course - Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
HMS 265: Personality Theory
HMS 265: Studies the theories of personality and their relationship to counseling. Emphasis is on the historical perspective, view of human nature, contributions and limitations of each theory. Lecture 3 hours per week. 3 credits
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38789 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HMS 265: Personality Theory (Section OA1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:50 AM -1:51 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1K Online George, Teresa
Online Class.


HUM 202: Modern Humanities
HUM 202: Examines the values and expression of ideas of selected western and non-western cultures from the 1300s until 1900s, integrating the visual arts, literature, religion, music and philosophy within the context of history.? The assignments in this course require college-level reading, analysis of scholarly studies, and coherent communication through properly cited and formatted written reports.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38796 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HUM 202: Modern Humanities (Section OA1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:51 AM -1:52 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1A Online Trihey, Bryant
Online Class.
HUM 210: Intro to Women and Gender Stud
HUM 210: Broadens understanding and awareness of women by exploring different cultural, historical, and gendered experiences of social groups throughout the world in relationship to such fields as art, literature, religion, philosophy, social sciences, and music.? The assignments in this course require college-level reading, analysis of scholarly studies, and coherent communication through properly cited and formatted written reports.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38825 Visit the bookstore for class materials for HUM 210: Intro to Women and Gender Stud (Section OZ1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 1:52 AM -1:53 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OZ1A Online Milroy, Teresa
Online Class. Open Ed Resources - Zero cost for materials.

Industrial Engineering Technol

IND 137: Team Concept & Problem Solving
IND 137: Studies team concepts and problem solving techniques to assist project teams in improving quality and productivity. Provides knowledge of how to work as a team, plan and conduct good meetings, manage logistics and details, gather useful data, communicate the results and implement changes.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
39223 Visit the bookstore for class materials for IND 137: Team Concept & Problem Solving (Section OA1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:06 AM -3:07 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1A Online Edmonds, Thomas

Information Technology Essentials

ITE 100: Int Inf Syst
ITE 100: This course covers the fundamentals of computers and computing and topics which include impact of computer on society, ethical issues, and terminology. This course provides discussions about available hardware and software as well as their application. Formerly IST 100
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38639 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 100: Int Inf Syst (Section HA1L) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 5:00 PM -8:00 PM M~~~~~~ LCAKC QZ05 0005-LCAKC HA1L Hybrid Wright, Thomas
Hybrid-Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $190.00 for the cost of these resources.
39424 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 100: Int Inf Syst (Section AA1S) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 5:30 PM -8:30 PM ~TW~~~~ VIRTUAL-RT QVIR VIRTUALRT AA1S Online Howerton, Travis~Shotwell, Kelly
Zoom to Home. Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $85.56 for the cost of these resources.
39425 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 100: Int Inf Syst (Section NA1S) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 5:30 PM -8:30 PM ~TW~~~~ SVHEC QZ01 0001-TBA NA1S In-Person Howerton, Travis~Shotwell, Kelly
Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $85.56 for the cost of these resources.
ITE 140: Spreadsheet Software I
ITE 140: The student will use spreadsheet software to create spreadsheets with formatted cells and cell ranges, control pages, multiple sheets, charts, and macros. Topics will include type and edit text in a cell, enter data on multiple worksheets, work with formulas and functions, create charts, pivot tables, and styles, insert headers and footers, and filter data. This course covers MOS Excel objectives. Formerly IST 123
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38641 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 140: Spreadsheet Software I (Section OA1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:08 AM -3:09 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1A Online LaPrade, Kelley
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
ITE 150: Desktop Database Software
ITE 150: Incorporates instruction in planning, defining, and using a database; performing queries; producing reports; working with multiple files; and concepts of database programming. Includes database concepts, principles of table design and table relationships, entering data, creating and using forms, using data from different sources, filtering, creating mailing labels.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38642 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 150: Desktop Database Software (Section OA1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:09 AM -3:10 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1K Online Tuck, Joan
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
ITE 152: Intro to Dig Inf Lit & Comp Ap
ITE 152: Develops understanding of digital and information literacy. Introduces basic computer concepts in hardware, software, cyber, cloud, database, and operating systems. Includes hands-on experience developing word processing, spreadsheet and presentation documents.? Evaluates the reliability of sources. Covers creating a simple web page. Examines topics such as social, legal, and ethical issues.
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
38645 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 152: Intro to Dig Inf Lit & Comp Ap (Section OA1A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:07 AM -3:08 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1A Online LaPrade, Kelley
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
38646 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 152: Intro to Dig Inf Lit & Comp Ap (Section OA1K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:10 AM -3:11 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA1K Online Wright, Thomas
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
38648 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 152: Intro to Dig Inf Lit & Comp Ap (Section OA2A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:32 AM -3:33 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA2A Online LaPrade, Kelley
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
38650 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 152: Intro to Dig Inf Lit & Comp Ap (Section OA2K) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:21 AM -3:22 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA2K Online Leslie, Ashley
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.
38651 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITE 152: Intro to Dig Inf Lit & Comp Ap (Section OA3A) 3.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 3:46 AM -3:47 AM MTWRFSU VIRTUAL QVIR VIRTUAL OA3A Online Massie, Joni
Online Cengage Course: Your course will use electronic access through Follett. Your account will include a fee of $124.99 for the cost of these resources. You do not need to purchase Cengage Unlimited from the college bookstore. Your instructor will provide login information in Canvas.

Information Technology Networking

ITN 101: Intro to Network Concepts
ITN 101: Provides instruction in networking media, physical and logical topologies, common networking standards and popular network protocols. Course content emphasizes the TCP/IP protocol suite and related IP addressing schemes, including CIDR. Course content also includes selected topics in network implementation, support and LAN/WAN connectivity. Formerly IST 200, 202
Class Number Credits Dates Time Days Location Building Room Class Section Instruction Mode Instructor
39433 Visit the bookstore for class materials for ITN 101: Intro to Network Concepts (Section NA1S) 4.00 05/20/2024 - 07/31/2024 5:30 PM -8:30 PM M~W~~~~ SVHEC QZ01 0001-TBA NA1S In-Person Shotwell, Kelly~Cook, Jacob
Instructor consent required or approval by Kathy Whitt. Follett Access Course - Your course will use electronic books or materials through our bookstore. Your account will include a fee of $331.12 for the cost of these resources.