Institutional Planning
Planning at SVCC is a continual process which is directed by five main influences. First, the Strategic Planning Committee assesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at the College. Data are reviewed and discussed covering a variety of areas including student success, workforce trends, community demographics, and employee and student satisfaction surveys. Led by the President and Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, the Strategic Planning Committee develops broad initiatives the College will address for the next 5 years and specific goals the College will work to meet within the next 2 years. Second, the President's Strategic Planning Goals are given to academic program faculty and administrative unit managers to develop sub-goals within their area of responsibility in support of the President's goals. Third, the data systems needed to track progress on the college's goals and initiatives are developed, the data are collected by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness through a variety of studies and reports, and relevant data reports are distributed to the College community. Fourth, in March, administrative unit managers and program faculty submit budget requests for the upcoming year related to specific initiatives of SVCC's strategic plan. The President and President's Staff review these budget requests in light of the strategic plan and decide which goals and initiatives need additional physical and/or human resources for the next year. Fifth, the academic program faculty and administrative unit managers assess the progress on their goals using the program assessment and unit assessment online template. The members of the Planning Committee summarize the information collected and the progress on the college goals and initiatives; this is done in the SVCC Report of Strategic Planning Goals and Initiatives completed annually in June and submitted to the VCCS Chancellor. In the fall, the Strategic Planning Committee then recommends additional items for the College to address based on the progress report from June, and the committee then defines the goals for the coming year and the process begins again. This process is displayed below.
As a member of the Virginia Community College System, SVCC is responsible for contributing to the Chancellor's strategic planning goals. The current VCCS strategic plan is called Complete 2021 and focuses on tripling the number of credentials students earn by 2021. In the summer of 2015, SVCC embarked on a mission to develop its next strategic plan. In March 2016, the Strategic Planning Committee announced its completion of the 2016-2021 strategic plan, One College. One Mission!
Aspire 2027: Pathways to Opportunities
SVCC is making progress on our strategic plan goals as well as our Chancellor's goals (updated annually): May 2019 Update
Southside Virginia Community College welcomes input from all of its employees, students, and the public at large. The college continually gathers input for its planning process. To suggest a topic for an upcoming planning retreat, email Robin Daniel.